“Asparagus & Wine” Degustation Menu


2022 date
May 21
at 19:00 h
80.00 €
inkl. wine


“Asparagus & Wine” Degustation Menu

Sample the culinary delights of the Baden region of Germany. To enhance and underscore the subtleties of this sophisticated regional cuisine, the family-run vineyard “Weingut Landmann” (from Waltershofen) will not only present you their organic wines – known for their elegant sustainability and supported by pure, intensive grape flavours – but also the best of their very own asparagus. (The name “Landmann” is a synonym for “farmer“ in German).

Thus, you can taste both the breezy lowland freshness and the ancestral force of the Tuniberg and its striking volcanic landscapes. On top of everything else, we offer you a very neat touch of traditional French cuisine. Shall we reserve your table?

Hotel Dorer • 78141 Schönwald / Schwarzwald • Fon +49 (0) 77 22 / 95 05 - 0 • Fax - 30 • info@hotel-dorer.de